
First Dance Wedding Songs: How To Dance To Perfect | By Ed Sheeran

How to dance to the first dance song Perfect by Ed Sheeran (includes free dance tutorial!)  Find other unique wedding ideas, songs + first dance tips at >> DancingBrides.com

Welcome to the 'Dance To Your Wedding Song' series, where I give you a dance instructors perspective on simple ways to dance to your special song, with a DIY approach in mind.   

I will break down this song from start to finish, just as I would if I were your dance instructor - giving you practical ideas that you can implement on your own, even if you're a beginner.  By the end, you will know the best time to make your entrance onto the dance floor, which moments of the song to highlight with your favorite moves, as well as a practical time to end your dance. 

This post includes affiliate links so you can listen to the song and follow along with convenience (this means by clicking, I may earn a small commission without any extra cost to you, which helps keep this blog up and running.)

This Weeks Song Choice:

Today, we'll be talking about how to dance to 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran.

But before we do that, lets take a quick look (or listen) to some of the beautiful lyrics. 

"Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead." 

"Just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own.  And in your eyes you're holding mine."

"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms.  Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song."

Ahh, isn't that beautiful?   Now, envision dancing to this song with your partner, for your first dance as husband and wife.  Imagine the sights, the sounds and how you'll be feeling in the moment.  Picture the two of you in each others arms, gliding confidently on the dance floor in front of your guests.

Now that we have a crystal clear vision of this beautiful moment, lets break down the song.  

We'll start at the very beginning and work our way through to the very end, in three simple steps.

Ready?  Just take a listen (Perfect by Ed Sheeran), follow along, and lets dive in! 


1.  When To Start Your First Dance

Let's begin by picturing the very beginning of your dance.

The DJ has just announced you and your partner onto the dance floor, and the music begins to play.

You'll notice that during the first :33 seconds or so, of the song, Ed sings very softly to a quiet melody.

This is a perfect time to slowly make your entrance onto the dance floor, and begin dancing some simple, low key moves.  This way you can save your best stuff for when the song picks up in energy.


2.  When To Break Out Your Best Moves 

Now lets talk about the main part of the song. 

In this section you can feel that the music is more lively.  The chorus kicks in, and the energy begins to build right around :34

When Ed starts singing with more intensity and emotion it's smart to reflect that in your dance.  It's the perfect time to make things more interesting by breaking out all your best moves.  

Imagine yourself gliding around the dance floor, with your beautiful dress spinning in circles.

Dying to break out a twirl?  Go ahead and spin to your hearts content.  Have another fancy move you want to throw in?  Bust it out girl.  This is your time to shine!


3.  When To End Your First Dance

Now it's time to wrap things up.

You've just finished wow'ing the crowd with your best moves, and now you're ready to end your dance .

The most practical time to end your dance is when the energy starts to quiet down at the end of the song (3:58.)  But, if you would rather finish things early, another option is right around 1:35 or 3:13.   These are both great low-key moments to end your dance as well. 

Finally, envision you and your hubby dancing one final spin into a beautiful dip finale to end your dance in style. 

And here is a pro tip for you - Let your dj know that when he sees you dip, to fade out the music.  This way it will look like you ended your dance perfectly with the music.  No one will ever know, but me, you and your DJ.


Recap:  How to Dance To Your First Dance Wedding Song

You did it!

Now you have a clear idea of when to enter the dance floor, when to break out your best moves, and when to end your dance in style.

Below is a recap of the song.  You don't have to follow this timeline to a "t" but instead use it as a guide when planning and practicing your first dance moves.


  • 0:00 -  Enter the dance floor and begin your dance

  • 0:34 -  Break out your best moves

  • 1:35 -  End your dance (option 1)

  • 3:13 -  End your dance (option 2)

  • 3:58 -  End your dance (option 3)


So, there you have it, the entire song; Perfect by Ed Sheeran, broken down from start to finish. 

Remember, this is your dance and you want to feel your very best.  So whether you're an outgoing couple that wants to put on a show, or you're more on the shy side and want something more natural and intimate - be sure to choose dance moves that feel comfortable to you.

Enjoy moving as one with your soon to be hubby and have fun dancing your way to the big day!


Lots of love and happy dancing,



P.S.  What song will you be dancing to for your first dance?  I would love to hear.  Be sure to let me know in the comments below!


Get My Free Wedding Dance Starter Guide (For Beginners)

Feel more confident, improve your skills + rock your first dance as husband and wife!


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How To Dance To Perfect By Ed Sheeran
Learn how to dance for your wedding to Perfect by Ed Sheeran
Learn how to dance for your wedding to Perfect by Ed Sheeran.  Listen to the song and follow along!
How To Dance To Perfect by Ed Sheeran
These first dance tips will help you dance to Perfect by Ed Sheeran
How To Dance to your first dance wedding song perfect by ed sheeran